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Screwfix Direct, UK

Screwfix Direct Catalogue Shopping -

UK DIY Shopping at Screwfix Direct Online: Screwfix Direct DIY is not only the number one online UK DIY retailer, but also a leading direct DIY retailer. For example, with Screwfix Direct Catalogue, you can buy all kinds of high quality building materials, and maintenance and refurbishment items. The current Screwfix Direct Catalogue reflects a range of approximately 15,000 screws, tools, fixings and accessories, which are being offered at more than 140 Screwfix branches throughout the UK.

Additional Screwfix Direct products can be found exclusively online, yet you're probably not too far from a Screwfix branch, if you prefer, instead, to pick up your DIY products directly. With a store in virtually every major town or city in the UK, Screwfix Direct DIY is an integral part of communities throughout the country - and is now an integral part of online DIY shopping too: in fact, we might even say indispensable!

Another great choice for UK DIY shopping is B&Q DIY, which also offers a great range of quality DIY products at very affordable prices.


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